In recent years. it has been predicted that InN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors
(HEMTs) may be record fast among 111-Nitride transistors due to their highly attracting inherent
properties. Though the InN-based HEMTs possess superior performance in many aspects, they
often suffer from low current densities due to the relatively small number of carriers in the
channel. Moreover, carriers in the 2DEG can spill over into the buffer which increases low
frequency noise and decreases transconductance. In addition; the spilled over carriers get
trapped and thus give rise to slow transient processes and an RF-current collapse, which greatly
limits the power performance. To overcome these limitations a Double Channel High Electron
Mobility Transistor (DHEMT) made of lnGaN/InN/InGaN materials has been considered for
better performance. The principal objective of this thesis is to establish a viable concept for the
physical One Dimensional (ID) numerical modeling of InGaN/InN/lnGaN DHEMTs, to
understand the operation mechanism with a focus on main issues improving device performance.
At first, a quantum mechanical charge control model based on the self-consistent solution of ID
Schrodinger-Poisson equations is developed. The mobility and velocity-field characteristics are
then calculated using Monte Carlo simulation. In order to realize the device performance, a
comprehensive quasi-21) model based on the solution of ID Schrodinger-Poisson-drift diffusion
equations is developed. Finally, the dc characteristics i.e. current-voltage and transconductance
are obtained from the quasi-2D model for the proposed DHEMTs.
The transport properties provide an ideal platform for the in-depth investigation of InN-based
DHEMTs. Among the transport properties electron density and mobility of 2DEGs are two most
important concerns. The one dimensional internal electric field and distribution of charges in the
channel are demonstrated with the proper material parameters at different bias conditions. The
sheet charge density of the 2DEGs is linearly proportional to the number of channels, and
reached 1.25x 10' cm 2 for a gate voltage (Vg) of 0.4 Vat an In composition (x) of 0.05 in the
InGa1 N barrier layer. The highest mobility for the DHEMTs is found to be 11.5x10 cm2V
'sce at n = 5.2x 1012 crn 2 at 77K. The peak velocity of the carrier for the proposed device is
found to be 4.95x 10 7
cm/sec at the field of 57.5 kV/crn. Finally, the maximum channel current is
found to be 1325 mA/mm at a gate voltage of 1.5 V for different values of drain to source
voltage for 0.1 tm gate length. The calculated value of maximum transconductance is found to
be 630 mS/mm. All the results are compared with the conventional InN-based HEMTs and
GaN-based DHEMTs and are found excellent performance.
The above analysis strongly suggests that the InGaN/InN/InGaN based DHEMTs have high
potential in high frequency and high power applications.
This thesis is submitted to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, January 2012.
Cataloged from PDF Version of Thesis.
Includes bibliographical references.